
Three Names Education Excluded Candidate

Indonesian Independent Teachers Federation (FGII) proposes three names Minister of National Education (Education) 2009-2014 which is considered reasonable proposed to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"This is a result of our internal discussions with a number of community education, we not only make a reasonable criteria candidates occupied the position of National Education, but mention his name at a time," said Chairman of the General Chairman of the Board of FGII Center Suparman in Jakarta, Thursday (13 / 8).

FGII propose, which is a priority candidate is Prof Dr H Said Hamid Hasan. Said is a specialist management education and curriculum, and professor of Education from the University of Indonesia (UPI), Bandung, West Java.

Candidates for the proposed second are Prof. Dr. H Soedijarto, a specialist curriculum, philosophy, and management of education and teachers from the State University of Jakarta (UNJ). Soedardjito experienced as a member of the Workers MPR RI 1999-2004 and initiated the education budget 20 percent.

Meanwhile, the third candidate is FGII Prof. Dr. Jalal Fasli. Although a doctor of nutrition, Fasli wide experience in the field of education. Currently, Fasli served as Director General of Higher Education (Dikti) Ministry of National Education and former Director General of Education Quality Education and Ministry staff's.

The three candidates, the Secretary-General added FGII Iwan Hermawan, have the desired criteria by FGII, is nonpartisan professional alias, accommodative to the aspirations of the community, visionary, and have a national commitment and the commitment to improve education is strong.


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