
Extreme weather in Indonesia From today

Potentially extreme weather conditions occurred in parts of Indonesia from 28 to 30 August. Potential was seen from the persistence of low pressure areas of activity in the Pacific Ocean north of Papua and the meeting place of wind that extends from the middle part of Sumatra, Natuna Sea, South China Sea to the Pacific Ocean east of the Philippines.

Another factor is still warm sea temperatures in Indonesian waters north of the equator. In addition, the humidity in the northern part of Indonesia and around the equator is high enough.

These conditions support the growth of rain clouds in the territory of Indonesia, especially the northern part of Indonesia and around the equator. The existence of local-scale atmospheric activity in parts of Indonesia also needs to watch out for potentially heavy rains accompanied by strong winds and lightning in the not too long.

Areas with a potentially heavy rains accompanied by lightning and strong winds are the west coast of Sumatra; northern Sumatra and central, northern East Kalimantan and east of West Kalimantan; western Java; Sulawesi north, west, and center. The same weather conditions also potentially occur in the northern Maluku, West Papua, Papua, and Papua, the eastern part of the north.


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